Saturday, May 4, 2013

Sharing a Drink with Barack and Mitch

There's a contest on Tumblr, in which we are encouraged to send in pictures of ourselves having a drink with Barack Obama (i.e., an empty chair). Pretty funny idea, since an empty chair is a pretty good metaphor for Obama's leadership.

The winner gets to have a drink with Mitch McConnell.

Although I'm amused by the idea, I'm not going to enter, for several reasons:
  1. I'm not in the country
  2. I don't drink (these two together may render me ineligible; I didn't bother to check the rules, because of the next two)
  3. I'm very unlikely to win (would you pick me over her?)
  4. The prize is pretty crappy (what does second place get -- two drinks with Mitch McConnell?)

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