Friday, October 4, 2013

FIFA Takes a Big Swing ... and Whiffs

FIFA blew it, as expected. They had an opportunity to show they really want to clean up the game, by taking strong action against Joel Campbell, the Costa Rican player who so egregiously flopped in the World Cup qualifying game against the US last month.

I posted this at the time, which includes video of his flop.

FIFA talks big about wanting to put a stop to flopping, which gives soccer such a bad name. But Campbell is a star player for Costa Rica and also is with Arsenal in the EPL. While we know that most sports have a different set of rules for stars, Campbell isn't that big (Arsenal has loaned him out this season), and giving a serious penalty to a name player would have sent a clear message. So what happened?

They reprimanded him.

Q: If such an obvious flop draws no penalty, what message are they sending?
A: Flop all you want, guys.

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